Thursday, May 14, 2015

Book Review - Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius

I recently joined a book club. Even if it ends up being predominantly a wine drinking and chatting club, it makes me feel like a full blown adult. In fact, when my mom asked me how many women were joining, I was confused because at 28 I still think of us as a group of girls. Anyway, there are seven of us women and a couple of weeks ago we met at my house and snacked, wined, and chatted Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius.

My friend suggested this book and I wasn't super excited about it. Honestly, I figured that it would be monotonous. It is the story of a boy whose childhood illness is misdiagnosed, thus leaving him without most of his motor skills though eventually, completely mentally aware. It sounds impossible and excruciating and on top of that he suffered some horrible abuse by caretakers. 

Non-fiction and memoirs aren't always my jam but I definitely connected with the story. I especially appreciated the ending where he overcomes numerous insecurities and his incredible love story. The author is a truly amazing person.

And, if the only thing that caught your eye about this post was the word wine, here are two great reds my friend Ana brought. Sometimes I get in a Malbec guzzling rut, so I appreciated trying two great new wines.
Tarima Monastrell Jumilla 2013
Saladini Pilastri Rosso Piceno 2013


1 comment:

  1. oh i'm so jealous of your book club!! i always wanted to join a real live one, but I don't know any real live people who would want to read a book with me and then chat about it.
