Friday, October 23, 2015

5 Things on Friday 10/23

-one- New Design! When I started this blog I had no idea what I was doing. Well, I still don't. I really wanted to learn how to make my own template and custom design. So I made something temporary until I could change it. I'm still confident that I can learn how to do that. However, with work lately I just haven't been able to dive into it. So I decided to buy a template for a little longer term fix. I got one from Designer Blogs and I think it's very clean looking and matches my seasonal theme well!

-two- Blog goals. While I want to learn how to do some custom design, my next goal is to pull out my camera and start using it again. When I moved to China I got a really nice DSLR for a gift but since coming home it's collected dust and everything seen on this blog is taken by my trusty iphone!

-three- Movies lately. I have had an unusually crazy week at work and all I've wanted to do is crash on the couch in the evening. So we've watched more movies this week than usual. I saw The Martian in the theater and we had HBO for a weekend so we recorded Gone Girl and Theory of Everything. I recommend all three!

-four- I love this recipe. It's Whole 30 compliant (dairy and grain free) as long as you don't top it with cheese or put it on a tortilla, and it couldn't be more simple! I love to add some guacamole to the mix, too!

-five- On a different note, I'm feeling a little sad but very grateful today. In the past two months, a friend, a partner of a friend, and a friend's father have all passed away unexpectedly. It's been a little hard for me to wrap my head around and deal with. But mostly, it makes me hug my parents, sister, and Cody a little tighter and feel so grateful for all of them and how lucky we are.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Linking up herehere, and here!


  1. The new design looks great! I love the colors and the overall feel.

  2. I'm loving the new design!!! I have literally 15 posts sitting in draft form for tutorials on blog design, button design, e.t.c. but I have yet to finalize and post them. I kind of want to do it in a series once I finish them all.. so maybe they will help you =) Can't promise it'll be super soon but it will happen!

  3. love the new design, so fancy! that recipe looks great, and i loved all 3 of those movies!

  4. I love your new design and it is perfect for the season. I am also a movie junkie. I grew up having Sunday movie nights with my family, and I can't seem to break the habit now. I am also currently doing my second round of Whole30 (started yesterday). I might have to try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, I would love for you to swing by my blog and say hello: . I am also blogging about my Whole30 journey!

    "It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."
