Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why I Love The Bachelor

Usually when I tell people that I love the show The Bachelor and/or Bachelorette I say it as if I'm divulging some sort of dirty secret, or I roll my eyes as if to say, "I know how completely ridiculous I am." Conversely, with my friends who I know also love the show, we text back and forth at lightning speed about every detail. But today I read this article, so I'm ready to talk more openly about it.

I watched the very first season of The Bachelor, back when Alex Michael chose Amanda Marsh but decided not to propose.


I also watched the first Bachelorette, Trista and her TV aired wedding to Ryan Sutter. (They're still married, by the way!)


I have certainly not kept up with every season because there were times in my life that I felt like I was far too educated and intelligent (wink, wink) to deign to watch this crap. But sometime during grad school I discovered that it was the perfect departure from my day to day grind.

So here's why I love it:

1. While I would love to crack open a bottle of wine and throw a couple glasses back while watching, The Bachelor and Bachelorette air on Monday night and that would make for a fuzzy day of teaching on Tuesday. However, I do love that it airs on Monday. Mondays are hard. Every Monday morning I feel like I have to strap my teaching face back on and be a real live adult. But on Monday night I can indulge in some real mindless entertainment and enjoy while not trying to be an uber patient role model again until the next morning.

2. The internet lights up when it airs. I'm not quite snarky or quick enough to live tweet during episodes. In fact, during the season premiere last night, I forgot to check twitter until over half way through the episode. But following former contestants like Catherine Giudici (@clmgiudidi), Sean Lowe (seanlowe09), Andi Dorfman (@andidorfman), Nick Peterson (@nickpetersontv) etc, and producer Elan Gale (@theyearofelan) is hilarious. @jillbidenveep is a pro. Her tweets are extremely funny and she retweets the best out there. Just follow the hashtags #thebachelor or #thebachelorette during the episodes and you will be thoroughly entertained. Heck, even Anna Kendrick (@annakendrick47) tweets about it!


3. And, ok, I'm going to venture to say it's well produced. I am under no delusion that this is a real way to find a spouse (though I do think a few of the couples are legitimate) The people that make this show know what's going to be entertaining. I dare to say the people that go on this show know what they're getting into so I don't feel too bad for how much they get made fun of.

However, I am not a fan of this two bachelorette thing. Isn't the point of The Bachelorette that the woman gets to choose this time?


That being said, #teamkaitlyn 

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