-one- Did anyone else know that Sephora offers free classes? I felt like I hit some sort of gold mine when I found out! I went to my first one on Sunday and it did not disappoint. The class I attended was 'Conceal and Correct'. It's two hours long, either before the store opens or after it closes so it is a very calm environment. They arrange makeup stations for each of the attendees with comfortable chairs and little vanity setups. They demonstrate techniques on a model for everyone to see. Then they determined my exact skin shade and recommended products for me to try. I must have sampled at least 10 products. I ended up buying three, an under eye primer, an awesome concealer, and a setting powder. With purchase of at least $35 they offered a free gift (Sephora is so great with free stuff!) which was actually about a half dozen products stuffed in a little makeup bag. I also got a birthday gift so I left with at least 10 products! It was so much fun and I'm already signed up for a contouring class, as well as a smokey eye class.
-two- I'm on Day 19 of my second round of Whole 30! I had heard that it would harder the second time around but I'm thrilled to say it feels much more automatic this time! Do I still want a glass of wine? Yes. Absolutely yes. But this time I am keeping things much more simple. I'm not making extravagant meals every night. Sometimes chicken and veggies is really good enough.
-three- On the Whole 30 note, I had my first RxBar. Maybe I'm skewed from eating only healthy food for the last 19 days but holy cow, they are amazing! Not to eat for every meal, but so nice to have for an emergency snack. And they are made only with fig, almonds, date, egg whites, and whatever flavoring. I just wish they were easier to find!
-four- I finally started teaching this week! School started August 31st. However, my position is an English as a Second Language teacher. At the beginning of the school year we need to test all new kindergarteners who speak a language other than English at home, in order to determine their language level. We had to test about 60 students. I am SO glad to be finished with that for now and moving on to teaching!
Actually written in my class- how cute |
-five- We're moving! When we got married last year, we knew we weren't ready to buy so we rented a duplex in NE Minneapolis. After a lot of discussion we've decided we want to wait even longer to buy so we needed to find a more long term rental. We needed more space, a real dining room, and laundry. Initially we were planning to find a similar place in our current neighborhood but we stumbled upon a beautiful apartment in St. Paul, twice the size of our current place and at a great price. So we're crossing the river!
Linking up!
Congratulations on finding a new apartment! That's so sxciting =) I had no idea about Sephora classes.. I'm seriously challenged in the makeup department so I should probably go to one.